Why Rungu Dualie®?
Why the two wheels in front?

Rungu Dualie’s® Double Wheel Design, two front wheels spaced 9 inches apart, makes riding much safer as it virtually eliminates the washouts and over-the-bar wipeouts with any single-wheel E-Bike off-road. Rungu® engineers optimized front-wheel spacing using complex mathematical modeling. Much narrower and you can’t make sharp turns. Much wider and sharp turns and you’ll rollover in a turn like on a Quad ATV. The Double Wheel Design provides ATV-like off-road control without the inherent danger of an ATV.
The engineers at Rungu developed and patented a modified form of Ackerman Steering, which results in smooth off-road control. The front wheel on the inside of a turn pivots sharper than the wheel on the outside, since the inner tire turns in a smaller circle than the outer one. In this way, the two front wheels grip terrain like a Quad ATV or a 4WD Jeep.
Most of all - Rungu Dualie E-bikes outperform conventional, single-front wheel E-Bikes off-road.
- Double Wheel Design virtually eliminates washouts and wipeouts.
- Rungu Dualie muscles through go where other E-Bikes cannot. With up to 242 ft. lbs. of torque, Rungu Dualie conquers soft sand, snow (up to 9 inches or more), mud, rocks, logs.
- Like a Hill Climb bike, Rungu Dualie’s center of gravity is further forward than an off-road E-Bike. You can flip over backwards saddled on an off-road E-Bike on grades as low as 20%! Rungu’s design lets you stay seated on grades that are twice as steep. And what about AWD E-Bikes? You’ll be lucky to even climb up a 20% grade – AWD E-Bikes deliver less than half the torque of a mid-drive powered E-bike at that grade.
- Rungu Dualie’s extra-long wheelbase, shallow head-tube angle and double-front brakes let you descend steep hills easier, too. With more distance between you and the front wheels and twice the braking power compared to a conventional off-road E-Bike, Rungu Dualie descends steep terrain better and with much more control.
Far more stable. Far more able.
Why an E-Bike at all?

Like all E-bikes, Rungu Dualie gets access where dirt-bikes and Quad ATVs don’t. Throughout the United States, E-bikes are allowed on federal, state and private hunting and recreational areas that prohibit access to Quad ATVs, gas-powered dirt bikes, and Snowmobiles. Like Rungu customer Josh Sivak learned at his hunt club, you can take an e-bike to your stand, but ATVs and UTVS have to stay parked with the cars. As an E-Bike, Rungu Dualie gets you places gas-powered powersports vehicles aren’t allowed to go.
Rungu Dualie E-Bikes are the stealthy alternative to powersports equipment. Even if you can access hunting grounds with a Quad ATV, the exhaust and noise scare away game. Like Rungu customer Jeff Braun discovered, deer don’t run from an e-bike. Compared to powersports, Rungu Dualie E-Bikes are the ideal stealth vehicle.
Whether you’re hunting, fishing or off-roading, Rungu Dualie E-Bikes gets you and your gear to your site intact. Carrying gear with a bike and washing out on a dirt trail is no way to begin a vacation. Likewise, flipping a conventional E-Bike backwards on a slight incline with a quiver on your back can have life-threatening consequences. Customer Chris Doyle learned Rungu was the only workable solution for ice fishing after trying everything to make his prior e-bike work on ice.
Stay intact. Stay with Rungu.
Why are you waiting?

Stop scaring away the game with powersports and avoid injuring yourself with a conventional E-Bike; find the Rungu Dualie E-Bike right for you. The link below describes our models with other helpful web-links to get the right version for your needs.
Have questions? Email sales@riderungu.com or call (949) 877-9755 Monday through Friday 8AM to 5PM Pacific time and we’ll help you decide.
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Our factory is located in Santa Ana, CA. Visits arranged by appointment only